Tufte CSS

Vanity has caught me again. Inspired by Dave Liepmann's Tufte CSS, a hommage to Edward Tufte's work on data visualisation and his effort to translate it to the Web, I have mostly tried to integrate those nifty sidenotesWebsites usually have more freedom in the horizontal space, and the concept of a footnote or a bottom of page really has no meaning here. Also they look cool, don't they? into my blog, but also wanted to solve the issue of text lines generally being too long, while other content (code, graphics) was generally too narrow. And since this required some tinkering in the CSS, I considered my days off from work over this prolonged weekend as a perfect opportunity to spice up my blog's design with this small change.

And indeed, getting the sidenotes into the blog turned out to be rather easy. But to keep things consistent, I considered it a necessity to apply this main–side area separation to all the parts of this website. Which of course meant I had to tinker around a little more in the Python CGI codebase.

Oh boy.

In 2015, I might have been proud about what I had done. But looking at that code today meant an unsettling amount of head-shaking and fist-rising, occasionally accompanied by a whispered "What the hell". The code had been split up, yet I failed to see any kind of logic of how it was done so. It seemed to me like I had simply split code away from a file once it had crossed some magical too many lines limit. Or something, I don't really know—there was a single 116-lines long script called scaffold.py that handled the HTTP request parsing and the overall HTML document structure build-up + HTTP response generation (latter in a very ugly way). I could recognise a half-hearted attempt to split the view generation from the logic, which unfortunately got somehow swallowed up by later code extensions for previously unforeseen features. Starting to fix something at one place caused a string of bugs to pop up at a completely different place, and the small change subsequently ate up my entire weekend.

Although—honestly—I can't say that it was completely devoid of fun. I mean, it's vanity tinkeringThe kind of tinkering that only affects parts of your IT infrastructure that revolve around your appearance to the outside world—after all, we're talking about a personal website., after all. And the result is pretty neat, I think:

Looking at the diff of the commit that introduced the change, it feels like git futilely tried to make sense of the mess, only to resort to follow my exampleYou know, the head-shaking, fist-rising and curse-whispering.: In the cgi directory, the diff (with roughly 360 lines removed and 450 lines added) shows 9 unchanged non-whitespace lines, of which all are keywords like try: or else:, or import os.

showing off

I consider text lines at around 35 ems to be the most comfortable to read, while code should at least have a width of 80 characters. By the way, this is a sidethought, i.e. a sidenote without a specific numbered anchor in the text. Cool, eh? As noted above, the goal of this layout is also to solve the old issue of text lines generally being too long, while other elements like code blocks tend to become pretty useless if jammed into too little space. This can now easily be achieved by assigning the fullwidth class to any element in an article, and it will take up the entire 100% of the width. This is often useful for showing a graphics that requires a high enough resolution, or just for showing an image with added emphasis, like the photo of this lovely cat:


Of course it is not mandatory to display a picture in full-width— displaying a regular picture accompanied with a caption text to the side is now possible, too:

bbqShot from one of our barbecue evenings at the EPFL (model: Nikon D5100, focal length: 35mm, exposure: 15s, aperture: f1.8, flash: no, ISO: 100)

Another element that is best viewed in full width is a <pre> code block (note that this is a diversion from Tufte CSS, where code is kept within the boundary of normal text—I just thought that this doesn't make any sense); as an example, the CSS part that allowed me to properly center and zoom the picture in this website's gallery view:

article {
    width: 100%;
    height: calc(100% - 2.9rem); /* gallery navigation takes 2.9 rems */
article a {
    cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
    cursor: zoom-in;
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
article a img {
    /* http://stackoverflow.com/a/19414020/3673974 */
    position: absolute;
    top: -100%;
    bottom: -100%;
    left: -100%;
    right: -100%;
    margin: auto;
    min-height: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;

Lastly (and obviously) I learned a few things about the spacing around em-dashes (there is none), the proper use of markup tags introduced with HTML 5 (<article>, <header>, etc.), or just how to properly organise my code such that it doesn't end up as this pile of mess I had encountered on Friday evening.

And to explain my absence over the past 14 months: I had initially intended to write an article about how to set up an ALIX 2d3 with Debian for using as a home network router (similar to my QEMU/network/nftables guides), but the thing grew and grew and was never really finished, yet it did a remarkably good job at keeping me from writing any other new articles"If you work on a blog article, you might as well work on me!", until I concluded that the information might be better kept in my private little wiki that I have started to build up recently.

But that's for a different story.

As for the future: I have noticed that I prefer writing code over writing about code, so perhaps the focus of my blog will lie a little more on non-technical stuff (like politics—the world currently is quite a mess, honestly), or the more high-level, organisational aspects of technology (like "When will applications stop littering my home directory with dotfiles and adhere to the XDG base directory specifications?")—I have no idea how it will work out, but we'll (hopefully) see in the next few weeks.

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